Amy Chaffee
My mission as a teacher and coach is to expand the Voice that is great within us, freeing both the literal, physical voice as well as the artistic, storytelling voice that each of us possess. I believe they start at the same point – the impulse and desire to connect.

With solid knowledge and comfortable understanding of your own sounds, vocal range, and connection with language and text will allow working with a new director or group of fellow actors to be infinitely easier. Actors who can work with technical languages are more flexible and efficent, more quickly rehired, and have greater ease on set, on stage, and in auditions.

I believe it takes courage to speak, to reveal thought on breath, to allow our spirit out in the world, no matter what the words are. With techincal grasp of language and philosophical understanding of our own Voice, you will be able to achieve other artists’ visions and create your own.

Let’s find your Voice.